@misc{Rutkowska_Izabela_Gramatyka, author={Rutkowska, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The object of considerations undertaken in the article is the anthology of texts written by Polish catholic mystics ("Antologia mistyki polskiej II", edited by Marian Zawada OCD). This work aims to indicate the most critical problems with the grammatical forms exploited to describe the mystical, supernatural experiences, which are known as the ineffable phenomena. Mystics write about these problems in the metalingual comments. They regret the human language, too weak to express the richness of the world of their souls.}, abstract={This analysis shows that one of the most severe difficulties is a description of the timelessness of the netherworld. Mystical texts tell us also about the problem with superlative adjectives. Mystics cannot find proper terms for the supernatural reality of God and saints: every kind of attribute is insufficient.}, title={Gramatyka a granice wyrażalności w pismach mistyków kościoła katolickiego = Grammar and borders of ineffability in the scriptures of Polish catholic mystics}, type={artykuł}, keywords={niewyrażalność, gramatyka, polskie teksty mistyczne, lingwistyka, teolingwistyka, chrześcijaństwo, ineffability, grammar, Polish mystical texts, linguistics, theolinguistics, Christianity}, }