@misc{Korzhova_Anastasiia_Ukrainian, author={Korzhova, Anastasiia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={ukr}, abstract={The article attempts to identify leading Ukrainian theatre historians of the first third of the 20th century methodological principles based on the analysis of their texts. It was established that the approach of theatre experts from this period to the study of source materials resulted from the academic tradition of historical and philological disciplines, from which theatre studies emerged, and from the process of self-identification of theatre science.}, abstract={These studies are characterized by the following features: historical and species attribution of sources; defining the compositional and stylistic elements of the text; comparative analysis (identification of sources, similarities, etc.). However, the studies of individual researchers differ in the group of distinct properties: the national component emphasis (I. Franko), the plot archetypes (V. Rezanov), the stage effects and the poetics of the theatre (V. Peretz), its aesthetic (O. Kysil) and sociological (P. Rulin) component.}, abstract={It was found that differences of working with sources in the said period testify not only to the individual approach of scholars, but also to various stages of the development of theatre studies. Working with sources indirectly reveals the change in both the field of research and the methods that researchers of different generations sought.}, title={Ukrainian theatre studies in the first three decades of the 20th century. Working with sources materials = Ukraińskie studia teatralne w pierwszych trzech dekadach XX wieku. Praca z materiałami źródłowymi}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Franko, Iwan (1856-1916), Peretz, Wladimir (1870-1935), Rezanow, Wladimir (1867-1936), teatr, metodologia badawcza źródeł historycznych, Franko, Ivan (1856-1916), Peretz, Volodymyr (1870-1935), Rezanov, Volodymyr (1867-1936), theatre study methodology, historical sources research}, }