@misc{Piechota_Dariusz_Reaktywacje, author={Piechota, Dariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={Dystopia seems to be one of the most popular motifs in the latest pop culture. One of the reasons for it is that political, economic, and social transformations have happened in many countries.}, abstract={Looming crises in many countries prove the populist politicians take over to start a revolution to change people`s lives and make their nations powerful again. Their point of view seems to be very radical and dangerous. Rapid change from multicultural society into patriarchal society shows that many people are marginalised.}, abstract={Atwood`s and Karpowicz`s novels show countries after transformation where violence and terror is a major rule to control citizens` lives. Regime breaks the significant laws, and as a result of it, many minorities are discriminated. Their existence is worthless for many reasons. What is more, rebellious citizens are eliminated from society.}, abstract={Both novels reveal dangers that once imposed upon the society by the ultranationalist governments may lead to yet another war.}, title={Reaktywacje dystopii w najnowszej literaturze popularnej. Na marginesie lektury powieści Margaret Atwood i Ignacego Karpowicza = Reactivation of dystopia in the latest popular literature. On the sidelines of reading the novels by Margaret Atwood and Ignacy Karpowicz}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dystopia, powieść, politycy, dyskryminacja, novel, violence, politicians, discrimination}, }