@misc{Karczewska_Joanna_Majątki, author={Karczewska, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The medieval property nearby Kcynia was owned by knightly families of a long tradition, which inhabited this territory for generations. They included such family names as Pałuki, Poraj, Grzymała and Leszczyc. The dominating genealogy in terms of property was the Pałuki family, particularly the line residing in the Gołanice area, with the distinguishing families from Danaborz and Szaradowo.}, abstract={In the 15th c. the areas of Kcynia began to be settled by representatives of other families acquiring land and property mainly through purchase or a favourably arranged marriage. Among them we find the Rogala, Sulima and Dryja families. In the discussed period the inheritable property was subject to fragmentation, and the goods often became an object of transaction. Property was divided into parts owned by representatives of various families with the status of the middle-income gentry.}, title={Majątki szlacheckie w okolicy Kcyni na przełomie XIV i XV wieku = The property of nobility nearby Kcynia in the 14th c.-15th c.}, type={artykuł}, keywords={genealogia , szlachta, własność, Osadnictwo, settlers, genealogy, property, Nobility}, }