@misc{Kuczer_Jarosław_"Stan, author={Kuczer, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The term "Lords state of the realm", German "Herrenstand", in the modern Polish history is actually unclear. In connection with the medieval origins of the concept, Polish historiography formulate them somewhat linear. The, so called, second state of the realm, nobility, originating from military orientated chivalry had many major privileges concerning their political and economic functions in the aristocratic, cosmopolitan society. The Lords state oft he realm stemed from the German word "Herrenstand". It was a group of dukes, earls, counts and barons.}, abstract={In polish historiography, there is no parallel term and the notion of "Herrenstand" must be take into discussion, and his unique character must be analized. "Herrenstand" was always tied with the term of high nobility ("Hoher Adel"). This second term was most understood, depicting the cultural side of lords state oft he realm. In German countries (but also in Austria, Dalmatia, Kraina, Czech and Hungary), the notion of "Herrenstand" was an oposite one to "Ritterstand" - knighthood.}, abstract={However, the division between this two groups extends between political privileges and property, rights and other small aspects concerning everyday life on the court and in the land as well. Still unclear remains the problem, if the groups of dukes, counts, barons, were the separate states oft he realm? In Silesia the lords state begun to be developed until the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.}, abstract={The basic research problem which is posed in this study is whether the state of lords in Silesia managed to 1740 create and develop its proper institutional forms, political and social, become a separate state on the German and Czech model and obtain exclusive rights to exercise local offices and sit in Silesian parliament? On what basis Silesian Herrenstand has been formulated and what was the context in which we perceive this state? In reference to it, how can we, nowadays, expand this concept trough Polish research perspective?}, title={"Stan panów"? Miejsce "Herrenstandu" w systemie prawnym, administracyjnym i ustrojowym Śląska w epoce habsburskiej (1526-1740) = "The Lords State of the Realm"? German "Herrenstand" in the Public and Administrative System of Silesia in the Habsburgian Era 1526-1740}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Herrenstand, stan panów, arystokracja, Śląsk, hrabiowie, baranowie, the lords state, Aristocracy, Silesia, counts, barons}, }