@misc{Konopnicka_Małgorzata_Rodzina, author={Konopnicka, Małgorzata and Ostrowski, Grzegorz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In 1764 Christian Gottfried (von) Seydel acquired village Luboszyce. It was located several kilometers away from Gubin at Lower Lusatia which was part of Saxony until 1815. Then this region came under Prusian rule. Von Saydel family appeared in Luboszyce at the end of XVIII century and that was recorded in several sources. It was possible to reconstruct family further story by studying gravestones, originally scattered on cemeteries in Polanowice and Luboszyce.}, abstract={Extant cemeteries records and field researches which led to discover few preserved gravestones,allowed to reconstruct history of Seydel manor until 1945. The article presents theusage ofepigraphic studiem within prosopography researches, in this case the ones of Lower Lusatia nobility.}, title={Rodzina von Seydel z Luboszyc. Przyczynek do badań prozopograficznych szlachty dolnołużyckiej = Family von Seydel from Luboszyce. Contribution to prozopographic studies Lower Lusatian nobles}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Dolne Łużyce, Luboszyce, szlachta, epigrafika, prozopografia, Lower Lusatia, gentry, epigraphic, prosopography}, }