@misc{Batyrshin_Ildar_On, author={Batyrshin, Ildar}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={Perceptions about function changes are represented by rules like "If X is SMALL then Y is QUICKLY INCREASING." The consequent part of a rule describes a granule of directions of the function change when X is increasing on the fuzzy interval given in the antecedent part of the rule.}, abstract={Each rule defines a granular differential and a rule base defines a granular derivative. A reconstruction of a fuzzy function given by the granular derivative and the initial value given by the rule is similar to Euler?s piecewise linear solution of an initial value problem.}, abstract={The solution method is based on a granulation of the directions of the function change, on an extension of the initial value in directions and on a propagation of fuzzy constraints given in antecedent parts of rules on possible function values. The proposed method is illustrated with an example.}, title={On granular derivatives and the solution of a granular initial value problem}, type={artykuł}, keywords={fuzzy differential, fuzzy granule, initial value problem, cylindrical extension}, }