@misc{Łęski_Jacek_M._Improving, author={Łęski, Jacek M.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={A new learning method tolerant of imprecision is introduced and used in neuro-fuzzy modelling. The proposed method makes it possible to dispose of an intrinsic inconsistency of neuro-fuzzy modelling, where zero-tolerance learning is used to obtain a fuzzy model tolerant of imprecision.}, abstract={This new method can be called [epsilon]-insensitive learning, where, in order to fit the fuzzy model to real data, the [epsilon]-insensitive loss function is used. [epsilon]-insensitive learning leads to a model with minimal Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension, which results in an improved generalization ability of this system. Another advantage of the proposed method is its robustness against outliers.}, abstract={This paper introduces two approaches to solving ?-insensitive learning problem. The first approach leads to a quadratic programming problem with bound constraints and one linear equality constraint. The second approach leads to a problem of solving a system of linear inequalities. Two computationally efficient numerical methods for [epsilon]-insensitive learning are proposed. Finally, examples are given to demonstrate the validity of the introduced methods.}, title={Improving the generalization ability of neuro-fuzzy systems by [epsilon]-insensitive learning}, type={artykuł}, keywords={fuzzy systems, neural networks, tolerant learning, generalization control, robust methods}, }