@misc{Foryś_Urszula_Logistic, author={Foryś, Urszula and Marciniak-Czochra, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of this paper is to present some approaches to tumour growth modelling using the logistic equation. As the first approach the well-known ordinary differential equation is used to model the EAT in mice. For the same kind of tumour, a logistic equation with time delay is also used.}, abstract={As the second approach, a logistic equation with diffusion is proposed. In this case a delay argument in the reaction term is also considered. Some mathematical properties of the presented models are studied in the paper. The results are illustrated using computer simulations.}, title={Logistic equations in tumour growth modelling}, type={artykuł}, keywords={logistic equation, delay differential equations, reaction-diffusion equation, stability, global stability, Hopf bifurcation, spatial pattern, Ehrlich ascities tumour}, }