@misc{Polkowska_Laura_Czy, author={Polkowska, Laura}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={This sketch is devoted to the concept of nationalism and its semantic profiling in dictionaries and contemporary Polish journalism. In lexicographic definitions, "nationalism" is treated as a neutral or negatively marked term. Only one - a political dictionary from the twenties of the twentieth century - treats it as a positively marked concept. However its author was an activist from the National Democratic Party.}, abstract={In the newest Polish journalism, nationalism is mainly an anti-value. Such semantic components as hostility and aggression to strangers, spreading fear, referencing the totalitarian regime, and faking other social attitudes are mentioned.}, abstract={Neutral uses of the "nationalism" lexeme are rare, and treating it as a value based on love of the motherland is too incidental to be considered a clear trend in public discourse.}, title={Czy nacjonalizm może być wartością? O "nacjonalizmie" w słownikach i współczesnej publicystyce = Can nationalism be a value? "Nationalism" in Polish dictionaries and contemporary journalism}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nacjonalizm, profilowanie, semantyka, wartość, leksykografia, publicystyka, nationalism, linguistic profiling, semantic, values, lexicography, weekly}, }