@misc{Trześniewska-Nowak_Agnieszka_Siostra, author={Trześniewska-Nowak, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The nurse's role in literature seems to be marginalised. Nurses constitute a margin, especially in medical thrillers, in which men dominate the hospital world. The books' characters, such as Robin Cook's, call the nurses "the lower-level staff". The transfer of optics from men-doctors to women nurses raises an important issue of social roles and stereotypes that has been grounded in literature for years.}, abstract={The heroines of Michael Palmer's "Little Sisters" and the protagonist of "Marker" by Robin Cook break the inferiority of nurses to male medical staff pattern. Nevertheless, one should remember that these two particular examples of changing the optics, allowing nurses to speak their own words, are the margin of medical thrillers (both Polish and American), in which men's characters rule.}, title={Siostra miłosierdzia contra niebezpieczna morderczyni. Motyw pielęgniarki w thrillerach medycznych = A sister of mercy versus a dangerous murderer. Nurse theme in medical thrillers}, type={artykuł}, keywords={thriller medyczny, medycyna, pielęgniarki, morderstwo, medical thriller, medicine, nurse, murder}, }