@misc{Rutkowska_Monika_Diagnoza, author={Rutkowska, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Work gives women the chance of being active in professional and public life. Quite often women take up a job in order to enlarge the home budget. However, it is still more difficult for them to find a job, that is why the number of unemployed women is constantly growing.}, abstract={At the same time the woman, biologically conditioned for maternity, is obliged to make a choice between motherhood and professional career. When she decides on the former, she meets many obstacles at the workplace. A number of researches have show that women are paid considerably less than men and, what is more, they are more often employed on a part-time basis, occupy low positions in their professions and usually have low-prestige jobs. A law preserving the rights of women does exist, but it lacks effectiveness in being executed.}, title={Diagnoza sytuacji kobiet na rynku pracy w Lubuskiem = Diagnosis of the position of women in the Lubuskie job market}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Lubuskie, rynek pracy, kobieta}, }