@misc{Banaszak_Tomasz_Kłopoty, author={Banaszak, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The conditions of contemporary politics have created a new situation not only in economic or political areas but in the area of categories as well. The notion of region or locality is one of those that demand a new interpretational attitude, for many reasons. One of them is the fall of national states and their changed, when compared to former ages, position in the world. Once omnipotent, today their activity is controlled by international organizations.}, abstract={The region then is no longer just a part of the state, but to some extent a self-independent political entity, often gaining a high level of autonomy. In this situation political thinking has to try to interpret the category of region in a way different from traditional. In the text I try to show a few topics derived from such thinking. An attempt to apply my conclusions to a local common enterprise of three cities concludes the text.}, title={Kłopoty idei regionalizmu = Problems of the idea of regionalism}, type={artykuł}, keywords={regionalizm, ziemia lubuska}, }