@misc{Nowak-Małolepsza_Fatima_Ludność, author={Nowak-Małolepsza, Fatima}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={This article deals with a suburb of Zielona Góra populated by immigrants from Ukraine.These people settled in this area in 1947 during the ?Wisła? operation. The article describeshow these people adopted the Polish lifestyle and interacted with the Polish population. These changes had major influence on the state politics, which assimilated and unified the Ukrainian minority and kept them under strict political control.}, abstract={The article displays different political attitudes of the local and central staff to the Ukrainian minority. They dispersed these people and relocated them around the Polish countryside. Also, the article depicts changes that occurred in the social and political environment for the Ukrainian people. It also points out the stereotypes found in literature and other media about each social group.}, title={Ludność ukraińska na ziemi lubuskiej po II wojnie światowej = Ukrainian people in the Lubuskie region after world war II}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ziemia lubuska, akcja "Wisła", przesiedlenia, Ukraińcy za granicą - Polska - 1944-1989, historia, po 1944 r.}, }