@misc{Dudra_Stefan_Cerkiew, author={Dudra, Stefan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The foundation of the orthodox parish in Zielona Góra was connected with the removalof Ukrainians and Lemko people due to the ?Wisła? operation in 1947. The origins of the parish go back to mid-1948, when the people started to look for a building for the church. Mikołaj Proniński was the founder and the first priest of the parish in Zielona Góra. The first Holy Mass was celebrated on 8th September 1948 in a post-evangelical chapel in 5 Wąska Street. In the first years of the existence of the parish there were about 200 parishioners.}, abstract={The orthodox believers, as well as members of other churches existing in Zielona Góra, are part of a long tradition of Polish tolerance. Multicultural tradition, shaped among others by different religions, is an important fragment of life of the local community.}, abstract={St. Nicholas church became an essential element, especially in the first years after the removal, in preserving the cultural and national identity. The orthodox community in Zielona Góra is multi-national. It consists of Byelorussians, Lemko people, Serbs and Ukrainians. There are about 50 families and part of them live in the villages and towos nearby.}, title={Cerkiew św. Mikołaja jako element zachowania tożsamości ludności prawosławnej w Zielonej Górze = St. Nicholas church as the element of preserving the identity of the orthodox people in Zielona Góra}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zielona Góra, prawosławie - historia - Polska - od 1944 r., tożsamość}, }