@misc{Kozioł_Mirosław_Method, author={Kozioł, Mirosław and Kaczmarek, Janusz and Rybski, Ryszard}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Metrologii, Elektroniki i Informatyki}, language={eng}, abstract={In some applications of sinusoidal digital signal generators, it is necessary to change the parameters of the generated signal very often, and therefore quickly calculate the sine samples. The chapter presents a method of sine samples calculation with a constant angle increment and any initial phase with minimal calls of standard trigonometric function.}, abstract={The saved time was determined, which is obtained when the described method is utilized in the sine waveform computation, both in the absence of hardware support for calculations on double-precision floatingpoint numbers, as well as when such hardware support is provided.}, title={Method for quick calculation of sine samples in the polyphase sinusoidal digital signal generators = Metoda szybkiego obliczania próbek funkcji sinus w wielofazowych cyfrowych generatorach sygnałów sinusoidalnych}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={funkcja sinus, obliczenia, cyfrowe generatory sygnałów}, }