@misc{Benyskiewicz_Krzysztof_"Kmiotek, author={Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article entitled: "Heavenly Peasant in Greater Poland, that is the Brotherhood of Saint Isidore in Nowe Kramsko in the 17th-19th Centuries", is devoted to the activity of the religious confraternity in the Polish rural environment. Isidore of Madrid is one of the few saints coming from the peasants. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the cult of Isidore spread in Europe, reaching also Poland.}, abstract={Thanks to the Nowe Kramsko parsons, this "Heavenly Peasant" ("Kmiotek Niebieski") became the protector of the farmers of the parish there. Initially, the confraternity established by Laurent Dulczewski functioned informally. When establishing the brotherhood, the parish administrator built a chapel for it in the village. Dolczewski`s successor, Malachiasz, normalized the brotherhood legally and led to the consecration of the chapel.}, abstract={The activity of the confraternity was based on nationwide propaganda materials prepared especially for this type of brotherhoods. They included the "Acts, Duties and Arrangements of the Brotherhood of Isidore", the so-called "Arrangement of the Brotherhood of S. Isidore the Confessor", and a cycle of prayers and a list of indulgences granted to members of the brotherhood by the Pope.}, abstract={"The Acta" and "the Arrangement" promoted religious education in the spirit of the Counter-Reformation, striving to embrace the faithful with tighter tutelage. The way to achieve the set goals was to introduce and strengthen pious rituals and create an impression of belonging to the group of the chosen and followers of Saint Isidore.}, abstract={We can observe the brotherhood`s activity thanks to the preserved sources. These are Church visits, the parish "Pro memoria" chronicle, and books entitled "Genesis and Development of the Brotherhood of Saint Isidore Followers at the Parish Church in Kramsko..." and the "Book of the Nowe Kramsko Parish". Unfortunately, the image emerging from these sources is incomplete and superficial.}, abstract={From these chronicles and parish books we learn only the lists of members, dates of meetings and sums collected by them during the recurring meetings. We will not find here any information about the brotherhood activity in the parish, nor will we find a proof of its special importance for the rural community. We will also not learn anything about charity and care activity of the confraternity. We may suspect that the brotherhood fulfilled the role assigned to it in the religious education of the Nowe Kramsko community and contributed to its consolidation around Catholic values.}, abstract={However, Saint Isidore did not become the hero of the awareness of the in- habitants, and his name never entered the anthroponymic canon of the Nowe Kramsko onomastics. Eventually, the brotherhood ended its activities in the 1930s.}, title={"Kmiotek Niebieski" w Wielkopolsce czyli bractwo św. Izydora w Nowym Kramsku w XVII-XIX wieku = "Heavenly Peasant" in Greater Poland, that is the Brotherhood of Saint Isidore in Nowe Kramsko in the 17th-19th centuries}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Nowe Kramsko (pow. babimojski), bractwa religijne, św. Izydor Oracz (1079-1172), Religious brotherhood, Saint Isidore}, }