@misc{Czernecka_Julita_Singiel, author={Czernecka, Julita}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Warszawa: Polska Akademia Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents Polish singles` main arguments for living alone that are from micro-social level, e.g. unfortunate experiences in previous relationships, negativememory of one`s parents relationship, very strong family ties, negative impression of friends` relationships, no experience in building lasting relationships, happy marriage of one`s parents as an unachievable ideal, living alone as a natural consequence of being an only child etc.}, abstract={These general arguments have been described in relation to various reasons for which the single-men and single-women have decided to live alone. The article is based on empirical surveys which were carried out at the turn of 2006/2007.}, title={Singiel i singielka o życiu w pojedynkę (dokument dostępny po zalogowaniu tylko dla osób z dysfunkcją wzroku)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={singiel, single, living alone, życie w pojedynkę, samotność z wyboru, alone by choice}, }