@misc{Nackiewicz_Jolanta_Epidemia, author={Nackiewicz, Jolanta and Baran, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Wałbrzych: Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości}, language={pol}, abstract={A serious health problem in contemporary space-time is the childhood obesity in the world. On the basis of population surveys of European children [from 2014], it was presented that a minimum of 4.4 million (maybe even 5.0 million) of European children were obese then.}, abstract={The authors present in their study, the problems such as: a) children`s obesity in Europe (in the light of numerical data), b) obesity of children and its consequences - the medical aspect of the problem, c) children`s obesity and the effectiveness of future Polish and European human capital - the economic aspect of the problem.}, title={Epidemia otyłości dzieci w 2. dekadzie XXI w. w Polsce i w Europie. Aspekt medyczny i aspekt ekonomiczny problematu}, type={artykuł}, keywords={otyłość, otyłość dzieci, styl życia, edukacja zdrowotna, profilaktyka, obesity, children`s obesity, quality of life, health education, prevention}, }