@misc{Łyczak_Bartłomiej_Złotnicy, author={Łyczak, Bartłomiej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Wschowa (ger. Fraustadt) is located in southern part of Greater Poland. During the 17th and the first half of the 18th century it was situated right by the border between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Silesia, which stayed under control of the Habsburgs until 1740, when it became a part of Prussia. Until now the knowledge on the topic of goldsmiths active in that centre was mainly based on studies made before the Second World War. An archival research, mostly conducted in the National Archive in Zielona Góra, led to discovering of many new, hitherto unknown information.}, abstract={Goldsmiths were active in Wschowa through the entire 17th century but not until 1676 have they managed to establish their own guild. The statute of the organization, transliterated in full in the appendix, was typical for that kind of document.}, abstract={Its paragraphs were mainly concerning requirements demanded from applicants to become master craftsmen, conditions of apprentice period and regulated relations within the guild. Individual paragraph was also devoted to preventing and fighting illegal competition.}, abstract={Wschowa should be classified as a medium-sized goldsmith centre, with between three and five local masters active at a time. Additionally, in the last quarter of the 17th century, some masters form neighbouring Głogów (ger. Gross Glogau), located on the other side of the border, were also ?non-resident? members of the organization. Close interpersonal ties also bound goldsmiths from Wschowa with other nearby Silesian towns, as well as Leszno in Greater Poland.}, title={Złotnicy we Wschowie w XVII i pierwszej połowie XVIII wieku w świetle dokumentów źródłowych = Goldsmiths in Wschowa in the 17th and the first half of the 18th century in the light of archival documents}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Wschowa, złotnicy, źródła historyczne, goldsmiths, source documents}, }