@misc{Benyskiewicz_Krzysztof_Malachiasz, author={Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article ?Malachi Kramski, commendarius of the church in Nowe Kramsko (turn of the 18th century)? describes pastoral and organizational activity of Malachi, a Cistercian from the Obra abbey, in the parish of Nowe Kramsko. Malachi was a professor of theology and one of the most outstanding Cistercian writers of 18th century Poland. Between 1697 and 1721, he served as a commendarius of the church in Nowe Kramsko. His activities in the parish were documented in the Chronicle of the Parish in Nowe Kramsko kept since the 17th century.}, abstract={In the context of the subject of this article, Chronicie`s records concerning the revenue and expenditure of the commendarius deserve particular attention. They were introduced on Malachit`s initiative in 1697. As the parish was not particularly rich, maintaining the church infrastructure, providing the temple with appropriate decor and paying for equipment and liturgical books posed a significant challenge. The annual ?Percepta? and ?Expensa? document the daily struggles of subsequent commendarii and monks in maintaining the church, hospital, parish and St Isidore?s chapel in a usable condition.}, abstract={Malachi was a pastor active in this field. The problem was that the parishioners could only afford emergency repairs. In the first year of Malachit`s ministry, a partial, temporary renovation of the roof and a damaged church wall was carried out. In the following years, the belfry and the chapel of St. Isidore were repaired. 1700 saw works unusual for Nowe Kramsko: painting of the Chanel`s interior. The painter was brought from Zbąszyń.}, abstract={Five years later the church roof was repaired again, and ornamental brick floor was laid. 1707`s repair of the organ turned out to be a great financial challenge. The organ builder from Babimost had to be paid partly in kind, and in instalments. No more works were carried out in the church until 1710-1711 and 1719. In 1719, during the repair of the belfry, a local-scale disaster happened - the great bell broke. The repairs, carried out in Poznań, cost 511 zlotys, a substantial amount for the parishioners. A special collection was announced to raise funds, which even involved the monastery in Obra.}, abstract={The bell was also paid for in instalments. The installation of the bell finished the period of Malachit`s building investments. The commendarius also took care of providing the church with works of religious art. During Malachit`s times, an altar was painted by an artist from Zielona Góra and a portrait of St. Isidore was commissioned. The most prestigious purchase, however, was a silver revetment for the painting of Virgin Mary. It was the largest expenditure in the history of the parish. The riza was funded by residents of both Kramskos and Wojnowo.}, abstract={Malachi has spent more than ten years in Nowe Kramsko and, despite many other duties, did well in the role of a commendarius. Despite the modest income of the parish, he was able to maintain the church?s infrastructure in a satisfactory conditio and to equip the church and chapel with interesting and unique works of art.}, title={Malachiasz Kramski komendarz kościoła w Nowym Kramsku (przeł. XVII i XVIII w.) = Malachi Kramski, commendarius of the church in Nowe Kramsko (turn of the 18th century)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Malachiasz Kramski, Nowe Kramsko (pow. babimojski), historia kościoła, The Malachi of Kramsko, history of church}, }