@misc{Wanatko_Grzegorz_Kulisy, author={Wanatko, Grzegorz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the mid-1950s, Poland experienced political transformations. The spirit of change led to the formation of Greek-Catholic parishes in the country, which became a topic discussed by the highest hierarchs of the Roman-Catholic Church and the representatives of the Greek-Catholic Church. Those parishes were also going to be set up in the Lubusz Land, one of them being founded in Międzyrzecz.}, abstract={This is one of the oldest parishes representing this denomination, set up in Poland after World War II, and the endeavours to establish it date back to 1956. The followers of the Greek-Catholic Church in Międzyrzecz and its area appeared there mainly due to the forced resettlement actions during the Operation Vistula [Akcja ?Wisła?] in 1947.}, abstract={After the October thaw which created new opportuni- ties, an attempt was made to create the structures of the Greek-Catholic Church in Międzyrzecz. The members of the local branch of the Ukrainian Social-Cultural Association, headed by one of the leaders - Jan Furtak - also actively participated in those initiatives. Nevertheless, the process of setting up the parish structures encountered resistance from the local community comprising both the clergy and Roman-Catholic worshippers. The communist authorities would also pose obstacles in acquiring premises intended for the needs of the Greek Catholics.}, abstract={Eventually, the consent to celebrate Greek-Catholic services in one of the Międzyrzecz churches was obtained. Fr. Michał Pasławski was the one who committed himself to taking care of the Greek-Catholic community. The official foundation of the Greek-Catholic parish in Międzyrzecz took place in 1958. Located in Międzyrzecz, the Greek-Catholic parish dedicated to Cyril and Methodius is still in operation today. At present, it belongs to the deanery of the City of Zielona Góra which forms the structures of the Wrocław-Gdańsk diocese (eparchy).}, title={Kulisy erygowania parafii greckokatolickiej w Międzyrzeczu = Behind-the scenes foundation process of the greek-catholic parish in Międzyrzecz}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Międzyrzecz, parafia greckokatolicka, Pasławski, Michał (ksiądz), akcja "Wisła", Ziemia Lubuska, Ukraińskie Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne, Greek-Catholic parish, the Operation Vistula, Lubusz Land, Ukrainian Social-Cultural Association}, }