@misc{Rath_Akshaya_K._Allen, author={Rath, Akshaya K.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={This article deals with Allen Ginsberg`s ?Indian Journals? and later poems and argues that Ginsberg domesticates Indian gods and goddesses to castigate American capitalism . After bringing American poetry out into the streets, Ginsberg takes refuge in Indian cultural heritage, and contemporizes its religious myths ?to return to America to confront the nation at war?.}, abstract={In his life-writing against capitalism and bombs, he embraces the victims of capitalism and against imperial poetics, he patronizes the colonized psyche . In short, highlighting Ginsberg`s India chapter, this article suggests that the anti-capitalist poetics not only inherits the discipline of Buddhist and Hindu mythical beliefs, it also projects that the anti-establishment discourse liberates Ginsberg`s poety.}, title={Allen Ginsberg in India: life and narrative}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Ginsberg, Irwin Allen (1926-1997), "Indian Journals", religion, myth, capitalism}, }