@misc{Bielenis-Kopeć_Barbara_Zabór, author={Bielenis-Kopeć, Barbara}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The property in Zabór from the fifteenth century belonged, among others, to families: von Tschammer, von Dyhrn, Montani, von Dünnewald, von Cosel and von Schönaich-Carolath. The testimony of its magnificence is a palace built by Count Johann Heinrich von Dünnewald in the 4th quarter of the seventeenth century, in the type of early baroque French residence, which, after 1745 was expanded in a magnificent baroque residence by Count Friedrich August von Cosel.}, abstract={In 2014 during the renovation of the monument one encountered a mannerist sgraffito, and facades of the old previously unknown buildings, were decorated with it, dating back probably to the early seventeenth century, which sheds a new light on the history of the monument and its construction phases.}, title={Zabór palace in the light of the latest discoveries - interior of the elevation using sgraffito technology = Pałac w Zaborze w świetle najnowszych odkryć - dekoracja elewacji w technice sgraffita}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zabór, aroque residence, decoration on the facade, sgraffito, pałac barokowy, dekoracja elewacji}, }