@misc{Glina_Bartłomiej_Selected, author={Glina, Bartłomiej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of the study was to assess the concentration of selected trace elements in organic soils used as a source to obtain a unique peat extract for cosmetics production. Peat material for laboratory analysis were collected from fen peatland located in the Prosna River Valley (Borek village). Studied peatland is managed by ?Torf Corporation? company as a source of material to obtain peat extract for cosmetics production.}, abstract={In the collected soil samples (four soil profiles) Zn, Cu and Pb concentrations were determined by using atomic absorption spectrometer SpectraAA 220 (Varian), after acid digestion. Obtained results showed that the highest concentrations of selected trace elements were recorded in the surface horizons of organic soils. This fact might be the results of Prosna river flooding or air deposition.}, abstract={Howevere, according to the new Polish regulations (Ordinance of the Minister for Environment 01.09.2016 - the way of conducting contamination assessment of the earth surface), the content of trace elements in the examined soils was greatly belowe the permissible limit for areas from group IV (mine lands). Thus, described soils are proper to obtain peat extract used as a component in cosmetic production.}, title={Selected trace element concentrations in peat used for cosmetic production - a case study from southern Poland = Koncentracja wybranych pierwiastków śladowych w torfie wykorzystywanym w przemyśle kosmetycznym - studium przypadku z Polski południowej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={fen peatland, peat extraction, cosmetic industry, heavy metals, torfowiska niskie, eksploatacja, przemysł kosmetyczny, metale ciężkie}, }