@misc{Kononowicz_Wanda_Revalorization, author={Kononowicz, Wanda and Sukienniczak, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of the considerations presented in the article is to determine the developmental directions of the inner urban areas respecting and honouring the cultural heritage of Zielona Gora city. The formation of useful physical form of the urban lifestyle environment is particularly important in the process of urban regeneration.}, abstract={The article presents polemics with the planning documents and raises the issues related to urban green areas and street furniture. The design proposal shows one of the possibilities to bring the improperly developed areas back to the city. Every city is made of people and, therefore, it is essential for these people to have social awareness of individual influence on the shape of urban areas.}, title={Revalorization problems of the down-town areas on the example of Zielona Góra = Z problemów rewaloryzacji terenów śródmiejskich na przykładzie Zielonej Góry}, type={artykuł}, keywords={revitalisation, downtown area, urban policy, Zielona Góra, rewitalizacja, tereny śródmiejskie, polityka miejska}, }