@misc{Kostecki_Jakub_The, author={Kostecki, Jakub and Greinert, Andrzej and Owoc, Ewelina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presents the analysis of roundabouts design aspects including the location of underground and overground infrastructure. Authors also undertake an attempt to assess the existing situation with planning conditions. Many differences depended on the roundabout size, location, surroundings, natural conditions, landform technology used were noted.}, abstract={Roundabouts design should include both the natural arrangements and art installations, increasing the area of urban green areas in parallel using the area as a place for works of art exposure. For Zielona Góra urban area this is of particular importance because of the multitude of roundabouts and their good position in the city structure.}, title={The influence of technical infrastructure on the roundabout areas development = Wpływ infrastruktury technicznej na formę zagospodarowania rond}, type={artykuł}, keywords={roundabout, land development, landform, hard infrastructure, rondo, zagospodarowanie przyrodnicze, kształtowanie terenu, infrastruktura techniczna}, }