@misc{Staszczuk_Anna_Comparison, author={Staszczuk, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper provides comparative results of calculations of heat exchange between ground and typical residential buildings using simplified (quasi-stationary) and more accurate (transient, three-dimensional) methods. Such characteristics as building?s geometry, basement hollow and construction of ground touching assemblies were considered including intermittent and reduced heating mode.}, abstract={The calculations with simplified methods were conducted in accordance with currently valid norm: PN-EN ISO 13370:2008. Thermal performance of buildings. Heat transfer via the ground. Calculation methods. Comparative estimates concerning transient, 3-D, heat flow were performed with computer software WUFI?plus. The differences of heat exchange obtained using more exact and simplified methods have been specified as a result of the analysis.}, title={Comparison of the calculations results of heat exchange between a single-family building and the ground obtained with the quasi-stationary and 3-d transient models. Part 2: intermittent and reduced heating mode = Porównanie wyników obliczeń wymiany ciepła jednorodzinnego budynku mieszkalnego z gruntem uzyskanych za pomocą metody quasi-stacjonarnej oraz modelu niestacjonarnego trójwymiarowego. Część II: ogrzewanie przerywane i przerwa w ogrzewaniu}, type={artykuł}, keywords={heat transfer, quasi-stationary calculations, transient 3-D calculations, intermittent heating mode, reduced heating mode, wymiana ciepła, obliczenia quasi-stacjonarne, obliczenia trójwymiarowe, tryb ogrzewania}, }