@misc{Lacki_Piotr_Numerical, author={Lacki, Piotr and Kasza, Przemysław and Derlatka, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of the work was to perform numerical analysis of a steel-concrete composite floor located in a LIPSK type building. A numerical model of the analytically designed floor was performed. The floor was in a six-storey, retail and service building. The thickness of a prefabricated slab was 100 mm.}, abstract={The two-row, crisscrossed reinforcement of the slab was made from [fi]16 mm rods with a spacing of 150 x 200 mm. The span of the beams made of steel IPE 160 profiles was 6.00 m and they were spaced every 1.20 m. The steel-concrete composite was obtained using 80x16 Nelson fasteners. The numerical analysis was carried out using the ADINA System based on the Finite Element Method.}, abstract={The stresses and strains in the steel and concrete elements, the distribution of the forces in the reinforcement bars and cracking in concrete were evaluated. The FEM model was made from 3D-solid finite elements (IPE profile and concrete slab) and truss elements (reinforcement bars). The adopted steel material model takes into consideration the plastic state, while the adopted concrete material model takes into account material cracks.}, title={Numerical analysis of prefabricated steel-concrete composite floor in typical LIPSK building = Analiza numeryczna modelu prefabrykowanego stropu zespolonego typowego budynku LIPSK}, type={artykuł}, keywords={steel-concrete composite floor, FEM, numerical analysis, LIPSK type building, strop zespolony, MES, analiza numeryczna, budynek typu LIPSK}, }