@misc{Rongińska_Tatiana_Strategies, author={Rongińska, Tatiana and Doliński, Artur}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The report presents the results of research on predictors of professional burnout syndrome among women and men working in management positions. The research included over 2000 people working in a variety of workplaces.}, abstract={For the analysis of content and structure of burnout syndrome, 198 people with high probability for occurence of the burnout symptoms were qualified. In the study, a Polish version of Questionnaire of Behaviour and Experiences connected with AVEM (Arbeits be zogenes Verhaltensund Erlebensmuster, Schaarschmidt, Fischer, 1997) were used.}, abstract={With the help of regression analysis, the key components of syndrome?s structure were determined, with pointing to the leading signifi cance of coping with failure and defensive attitude in enforcing its symptoms. Suggestions for prevention measures against the burnout syndrome which are concentrated on strenghtening the skill of coping with failure have been presented.}, title={Strategies of coping with failure in the structure of managers` professional burnout syndrome = Strategie radzenia sobie z porażką w strukturze syndromu wypalenia zawodowego menedżerów}, type={artykuł}, keywords={professional burnout syndrome, resignation, coping with failure, offensive strategy, syndrom wypalenia zawodowego, rezygnacja, radzenie sobie z porażką, strategia ofensywna}, }