@misc{Drabik-Frączek_Beata_"Twarz", author={Drabik-Frączek, Beata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The base thesis of this article is the assumption that the actions we undertake in interpersonal communication are determined by strategies attributable to "the face" - both ours and ours` interlocutors. The term "face" is understood here after Erving Goffman theories - as a social image, "the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume he has taken during a particular contact", and it is considered as a type of social or public identity.}, abstract={In the course of communicative encounters with another human being the individual presents said public identity, defends it against the actions of others and also performs the construction of its face, often using strategies that in turn breach faces of the interlocutors. It is the category of face (along with its two aspects ? positive and negative) that designates our verbal and non-verbal communication strategies: polite, autorepresentative, manipulative and others.}, title={"Twarz" jako tożsamość (w ujęciu Ervinga Goffmana, Penelopy Brown i Stevena Levinsona) i strategie jej obrony, ochrony oraz naruszania w komunikacji interpersonalnej = "Face" as an identity (according to Hoffman, Brown and Levinson); strategies of its defense, protection and breaching in interpersonal communication}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tożsamość, tożsamość aktywna, tożsamość pasywna, tożsamość deliberatywna, memetyka, identyfikacja, samoidentyfikacja, język , językoznawstwo, językoznawstwo polskie}, }