@misc{Malon_Joanna_Tożsamość, author={Malon, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article deals with the notion of the columnist`s identity and its linguistic image contained in Stefan Kisielewski`s "Dzienniki" (Journals). The analysis of linguistic patterns included in the examined texts has shown an image of the columnist as a misanthropist, bitter, alienated, full of aversion to the world around and even himself, a commentator and critic.}, abstract={The language he uses can be described as language of aversion and omnipresent criticism. The most often used linguistic measures are emotionally marked lexis, phraseology, use of metaphors and similia. "Dzienniki" are written in colloquia Polish, imbued with insults or even obscenities.}, title={Tożsamość publicysty - ślady mizantropii w "Dziennikach" Stefana Kisielewskiego = Identity of a columnist: the traces of misanthropy in Stefan Kisielewski`s "Diaries"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tożsamość, tożsamość aktywna, tożsamość pasywna, tożsamość deliberatywna, memetyka, identyfikacja, samoidentyfikacja, język , językoznawstwo, językoznawstwo polskie}, }