@misc{Biniewicz_Jerzy_Traktat, author={Biniewicz, Jerzy}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The publication of "Geometra Polski" in 1683-1686 was a very important step forward in the development of the Polish scientific discourse. Stanisław Solski, the author of "Geometra", was a Jesuit, who wrote a treaty for researchers and crafters or land surveyors. The article is about the text which is the first complete Polish course of geometry and mathematics.}, abstract={In the first part of the article, the author is focused on the structure and language of "Geometra Polski". In the second part, the writer explains that the contract between the author of the treaty and his recipients plays a fundamental role in the process of textbook creation. The author concludes that the Polish textbooks on mathematics as such were born in the sixteenth century, and only "Geometra Polski" is a true reference work in the first period of Polish scientific discourse.}, title={Traktat matematyczny "Geometra Polski" Stanisława Solskiego - początki polskiego dyskursu naukowo-dydaktycznego = The Mathematical Treaty "Geometra Polski" by Solski - the beginnings of Polish scientific discourse}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={początek polskiego dyskursu naukowego, traktat matematyczny, komunikacja naukowa, beginning of Polish scientific discourse, textbook of mathematics, scientific communication}, }