@misc{Jurewicz-Nowak_Magdalena_Od, author={Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena and Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article contains a pragma-linguistic analysis of "advice" and other directive act`s established in the "Home guidance" by Jacek Dziarkowski (1819). The aim of this study is to show the contextual conditions of the speech act interpretation. The source represents the utility genre with a teaching function. The pieces of "advice" selected from it illustrate urging to take some actions in order to achieve social benefits.}, abstract={The supreme position in the guidance take speech acts (simple genres): "advice, gift, warning, obligation, rule, indication, conditio". These categories of genres became constitutive elements of the guidance, arranging and prioritizing the structure of the text and informing about the basic intention of the message sender.}, abstract={J. Dziarkowski chose a rather mild form of persuasion, he avoided expressing direct orders. He focused his attention on knowledge, treating other aspects of communication as collateral. The "guiding nature" of this publication is determined by the selection of content and its normative character.}, title={Od prośby do nakazu. Rada w "Poradniku domowym" Jacka Dziadkowskiego = From request to order. Advice in "Poradnik domowy" ("Home guidance") by Jacek Dziadkowski}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={analiza pragmalingwistyczna, akt mowy, przewodnik, perswazja, pragma-linguistic analysis, speech act, advice, guidebook, persuasion}, }