@misc{Kuzio_Anna_Theoretical, author={Kuzio, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Human beings have a great need to be with people who are similar to themselves. This is because they share the same ways of doing things, the same values, as well as function by similar rules. When one is with people who tend to be similar to you, the ways of doing things just seem like common sense. However, sometimes one realizes that the situation appears to be more complex.}, abstract={When this happens one realizes that the issues that have been taken for grantem about human interaction are not necessarily the same for everyone. The study reported here is based on an integrated approach where equal attention is paid to both pragmatic and language transfer. The study is a part of a project involving a contrastive study of some aspects of communicative behaviour of individuals representing the Anglo, Russian/Ukrainian and Polish cultures.}, title={Theoretical and Practical Problems of Acquiring Competence in Intercultural Communication in Polish, English and Russian = Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty nabywania kompetencji w zakresie komunikacji międzykulturowej w języku polskim, angielskim i rosyjskim}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={intercultural communication, intercultural competence, discourse, deception inlanguage, komunikacja międzykulturowa, kompetencje międzykulturowe, dyskurs, kłamstwo}, }