@misc{Woźniak-Wrzesińska_Ewelina_Tradycja, author={Woźniak-Wrzesińska, Ewelina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the text analyses the formulas of greetings and farewells considering the origin, age and gender of the observed language users. The field of observations covered a small locality, due to the absence of dynamic language changes in the small rural sites. Using passive methods of research, the author presents the coexistence of traditional and modern formulas of greetings and farewells.}, abstract={She also wonders which of the formulas percolated from the language of younger users to the language of older users, and the expansiveness of which gradually displaces traditional formulas. She also draws attention to the change of habits as the reason for change of greetings and farewells` formulas. The conclusions of the observation do not have to relate to the Polish language in general ? due to the specificity of the place of observations.}, title={Tradycja i nowoczesność w formułach powitań i pożegnań na przykładzie języka mówionego mieszkańców gminy Zadzim = Tradition and modernity in greetings and farewells` formulas on the example of spoken language of the municipality of Zadzim`s residents}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={język mówiony, powitania i pożegnania, tradycja, nowoczesność, obyczaje, zmiana, spoken language, greetings and farewells, tradition, modernity, custom, change}, }