@misc{Ziembicki_Piotr_Optimization, author={Ziembicki, Piotr and Klimczak, Marcin and Bernasiński, Jan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the analytical and consultancy system which aims at a complex, comprehensive, multi-criteria energy performance analysis of a given building or a group of buildings and at making a recommendation for an energy source with regard to CO2 emission and investment costs determined on the basis of indicators included in the knowledge databases.}, abstract={The analytical and consultancy system employs advanced energy performance computer simulations of buildings as well as innovative analytical algorithms worked out and contributed by the authors, including those based on the knowledge base developed on the grounds of performance data from selected buildings of various types situated in a dozen or so cities of different population in Poland.}, title={Optimization of Municipal Energy Systems with the Use of an Intelligent Analytical System = Optymalizacja miejskich systemów energetycznych przy wykorzystaniu inteligentnego systemu analitycznego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={energy system, simulation, optimization, analytical system, smart city, system energetyczny, symulacja, optymalizacja, inteligentne systemy analityczne, smart energy city}, }