@misc{Kotin_Michail_L._W, author={Kotin, Michail L.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Language contacts are, according to the "opinio communis" in contemporary linguistic theory, one of the most important reasons for language change. Linguists often claim that nearly every language feature can, in principle, be changed, if triggered by language contact.}, abstract={However, closer observations demonstrate the dependence of contact-triggered language change on the properties of a language`s own system which appears to be the decisive factor in the selection of acceptable/inacceptable change. Thus, language contacts function rather as an accelerator of language change, which is "snoozing" in a language`s own system, than as a primary change factor.}, title={W jakim sensie i w jakim stopniu kontakty językowe "warunkują" zmiany językowe? = In what sense and to what degree do language contacts induce language change?}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={kontakty językowe, zmiany językowe, przemiany gramatyczne, kategoria określoności/nieokreśloności, language contacts, language change, grammatical change, definiteness/indefiniteness category}, }