@misc{Kuzio_Anna_Komplementowanie, author={Kuzio, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={As positive speech acts, compliments and compliment responses seem to play an important role in daily verbal communication. Incorporating a questionnaire survey as well as pragmatic theories and sociolinguistic views of differences in language, this study investigated intercultural differences in compliments and compliment responses.}, abstract={The findings presented in the paper are based on a contrastive study of compliments and responses to them involving individuals representing Anglo, Polish, and Russian cultures. Compliments are usually considered as speech acts addressing other`s positive face, yet they can be face-threatening.}, title={Komplementowanie w różnych kulturach: kontrastywna analiza komplementów i reakcji na nie w językach angielskim, polskim i rosyjskim = A Study of Compliments across Cultures: A Contrastive Analysis of Compliments and Compliments Responses in English, Polish and Russian}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={komplement, komunikacja międzykulturowa, odpowiedź na komplement, compliment, intercultural communication, compliment response}, }