@misc{Rapacka-Wojtala_Sylwia_Kształcenie, author={Rapacka-Wojtala, Sylwia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The educational process, regardless of its stage and level, should be adapted to the current communication circumstances. This is especially true about teaching and learning foreign languages, where the aim is to develop written and oral communication skills in everydaylife and professional situations.}, abstract={Educational programs and the didactic means used for teaching foreign languages should therefore include models of contemporary language contacts, basing on which the learners would be able to construct their own messages in particular social interactions.}, abstract={The aim of the lecture is to analyze the currently used didactic resources in terms of their usefulness for preparing, carrying on and evaluating the abilities to construct a language message in a foreign language in oral and written communication.}, title={Kształcenie kompetencji komunikacyjnej na lekcji języka obcego w kontekście współczesnych kontaktów językowych = Developing Communicative Competence During Foreign Language Lessons in the Context of Contemporary Language Contacts}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={kompetencja komunikatywna, tekst, wypowiedź, typy kontaktów językowych, communicative competence, text, utterances, types of language contacts}, }