@misc{Pałucka-Czerniak_Iwona_Komunikacja, author={Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper discusses communication in a constant sender/receiver configuration in the eighteenth century. The study was conducted on the material from protocols contained in the guild book of Krakow brewers. In a stable, mature speech community of brewing confraternities a constant sender/receiver configuration emerged.}, abstract={The guild community, in which each member went through many social positions and was gradually promoted, developed the mechanisms allowing the shortening of information or making it imprecise whenever it was, for various reasons, considered unnecessary or harmful. The criterion governing the selection of information, the level of redundancy and the degree of saturation with new content was the legal value of the stored information.}, title={Komunikacja w stałym kręgu nadawczo-odbiorczym na materiale wybranych protokołów cechowych = Communication in a constant sender/receiver configuration: A study of selected guild protocols}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={komunikacja, protokoły cechowe, selekcja informacji, redundancja, communication, guild protocols, selection of information, redundancy}, }