@misc{Węgorowska_Katarzyna_Kilka, author={Węgorowska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to discussing issues related to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Polish Northeastern Borderlands - a border area whose multiethnicity, multiculturalism, multireligiousness and multilingualism have been preserved in separate accounts of two descendants of the Karpowicz clan who were the last owners of the Czombrow estate in the Navahrudak area, the literary equivalent of Mickiewicz`s Soplicowo.}, abstract={The transdisciplinary coexistence includes: a) the Czombrow-Navahrudak linguistic mosaic constituting a part of the speech community, b) bilingualism, multilingualism, administratively imposed separation of Polish and Belarusian, diglossia and trasianka in the area, c) a broader meaning of the toponym "Lithuania" and the ethnonym "Lithanian" than the present one, d) the Tatar linguistic-cultural testimonies preserved in the Czombrow archive, e) the sacred symbols of non-verbal communication, i.e. the wooden cross, the white Orthodox linen towel with red embroidery, f) the "Dziady" ritual.}, abstract={The presented linguistic-cultural relations, selected only out of necessity, made it possible to argue the thesis of Iwona Fac and Joanna Dec that also in the Navahrudak-Czombrow area "there was a particular atmosphere that could be described as <>, the harmony of what is beautiful in various cultures and religious traditions".}, title={Kilka uwag o nowogródzko-czombrowskich kontaktach językowo-kulturowych utrwalonych w "Impresjach czombrowskich" Zofii Brzozowskiej i "Dziedziczkach Soplicowa" Joanny Puchalskiej = A few remarks on the Navahrudak-Czombrów linguistic-cultural relations preserved in "Impresje czombrowskie" by Zofia Brzozowska and "Dziedziczki Soplicowa" by Joanna Puchalska}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie, Kresy Północno-Wschodnie, pogranicze, kontakty językowo-kulturowe, wieloetniczność, wielokulturowość, wieloreligijność, wielojęzyczność, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Polish Northeastern Borderlands, border area, linguistic-cultural relations, multiethnicity, multiculturalism, multireligiousness, multilingualism}, }