@misc{Papiór_Elżbieta_Uczyć, author={Papiór, Elżbieta and Roszkowska, Martyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The article partly presents the results of studies conducted among this Lear`s secondary school graduates from Zielona Gora. The excerpts presented in the article are a part of a wider research project entitled "School Youth towards Democracy and Future". The purpose of the inquiries is to determine whether there are differences in experiencing school democracy between the youth from "exclusive" Zielona Gora secondary schools and their peers from other schools and, if so, to what extent.}, abstract={This "exclusive character" of schools was arbitrarily defined by the authors based on the statewide ranking of upper secondary schools, conducted on the basis of students` results, which was featured in a January 2007 issue of the ?Rzeczpospolita? newspaper. Two schools that were ranked highest among Zielona Gora upper secondary schools were E. Dembowski Secondary School No. 1 (18th place) and K. Kieślowski Secondary School No. 5 (58th place). In the Lubuskie province these occupy respectively the second and the sixth place, while in Zielona Gora they are two leading schools.}, title={Uczyć się demokracji. Wykorzystane i niewykorzystane szanse udziału młodzieży w szkolnej demokracji na przykładzie wybranych szkół średnich = To learn democracy. Young people partaking in school democracy - opportunities taken and missed in selected secondary schools}, type={artykuł}, keywords={młodzież szkolna, demokracja, badania ankietowe}, }