@misc{Kpossa_Gbedodé_Mathieu_Combined, author={Kpossa, Gbedodé Mathieu and Monwanou, Vincent A.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={This work studies the simultaneous e?ects of helical force, rotation and porosity on the appearance of stationary convection in a binary mixture of a ferro?uid and on the size of convection cells. We have determined the analytical expression of the Rayleigh number of the system as a function of the dimensionless parameters.}, abstract={The effect of each parameter on the system is studied. The consideration of the simultaneous e?ect of the basic characteristics made it possible to determine the evolution of the convection threshold in the ferro?uid and then the size of convection cells. The analyzes of the various results obtained allowed us to deduce whether the convection sets in quickly or with a delay when the various effects taken into account in the study are considered simultaneously.}, title={Combined effects of helical force and rotation on stationary convection of a binary ferrofluid in a porous medium}, type={artykuł}, keywords={helical force, stationary convection, binary mixture of ferro?uid, porous medium, rotation}, }