@misc{Królikowski_Janusz_Chrześcijańskie, author={Królikowski, Janusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The question of values considered from the European perspective constitutes a subject for debates and is contemporary discussed in reference to many different scientific fields (history, anthropology, philosophy, theology) as well as in political circles especially in the context of European Union, which as a result affects decisions (not always right) influencing life of the people in Europe.}, abstract={Therefore it is an issue which requires appropriate analysis in order to find common ground of understanding in the spirit of European integration which deserves continuation not only as a utilitarian project but also as a prophetic one. It is even more important since Europe is an entity possessing a common cultural background and stemming from particular ideas.}, abstract={This article is an attempt to trace the processes of shaping of Europe, by means of historical reflection and with special attention to the question of values which have originated form Christian faith and from the experiences of believing Christians, especially Christian intellectuals who were the first initiators of Europe, even if thisview is challenged today.}, title={Chrześcijańskie wartości europejskie. Geneza, znaczenie i oddziaływanie = Christian values in Europe. Origins, meaning and effects}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Europa, wartości, chrześcijaństwo, Unia Europejska, integracja europejska, kultura, wolność, godność człowieka, humanizm, oświecenie, romantyzm, Europe, values, Christianity, European Union, European integration, culture, freedom, human dignity, humanism, Enlightenment, romanticism}, }