@misc{Drąg_Katarzyna_Komunikowanie, author={Drąg, Katarzyna and Drożdż, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The space of media and social communication, as the basic space of human life in the information civilization, is also a space of values. The aim of the article is to show good as the Basic ethical value present in the space of social communication from the perspective of the subjectivity of the human person.}, abstract={Our analyzes are an attempt at an integral view of the good in various aspects of values, norms and obligations in the social space. Our research perspective requires taking into account the personal qualifications of a person, therefore the analyzes of good as communicated value are carried out in the light of the subjectivity of communicative competences.}, abstract={The article is also an attempt to show the correlation between the effectiveness of communicating good and the quality of human communication competences as the subject of communication. The presented axiological analyzes are carried out from the personalistic perspective. The subject of these analyzes is the value of the good communicated in the entire space of social communication, with particular emphasis on media communication.}, title={Komunikowanie dobra w świetle podmiotowości kompetencji komunikacyjnych - inspiracje personalistyczne = Communication of the good in the light of subjectivity of communication competencies - personalistic inspirations}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={prawda, dobro, piękno, wartość, media, komunikacja społeczna, kompetencje komunikacyjne, osoba, komunikowanie interpersonalne, truth, good, beauty, values, social communication, communication skills, person, interpersonal communication}, }