@misc{Sztyber_Radosław_"Tu,, author={Sztyber, Radosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The sketch is an attempt to present two books by Krzysztof Fedorowicz released in 2012 ("Grünberg") and 2020 ("Zaświaty. Opowieści o nieprzemijaniu" ["Afterworlds. Stories on everlasting"]) in the perspective of their time complexity. The matter draws attention in the novels particularly. Apparent or even real past stories are narrated in the present tense(s) intentionally that results in leader`s seeing the facts "in statu nascendi".}, abstract={Figures - who passed away centuries ago - are still alive and, as it seems, therefore past in the younger novel appears as contemporariness. That is why August Grempler, born in the end of XVIII, is able to enter an airplane landing in Berlin and had an incredible opportunity to celebrate his birthday after much more than two hundred years. The above mentioned character works at a vineyard, cutting the grapevines or refining his own types of wine nowadays.}, abstract={Such a way of retelling appoints the author?narrator who accepts e.g. previous viticulture achievements applied and being improved during centuries that means they are worth repeating. The attitude leads to admiration for described places, landscape, soil, and its hidden historic treasures buried or just left in the ground (like skeletons, watches, shoes, dresses etc.) but also for common episodes of people`s life - recollected or quoted by the writer (actual diaries, reports).}, abstract={Fedorowicz idea on presenting the essence of the books` content proves deep esteem for the most important values like the good, truth and beauty which is present in "Grünberg" as well as in "Afterworlds" especially. Only reverence may arise sensibility towards a new home regardless to prejudice, evidences of former injustice or war and political conflicts consequences, nevertheless with memory of (often unnamed, forgotten) ancestors. That means closeness to Albert Schweitzer ethics principal formulated in short: "reverence for life". Thanks to that the obtained small motherland seems to be there that is here, temporalny and spatially. "Here that is there"?}, title={"Tu, czyli tam". O czasie i szacunku (wybrane aspekty prozy Krzysztofa Fedorowicza) = "Here that is there". On time and reverence (chosen aspects of Krzysztof Fedorowicz prose)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Fedorowicz, Krzysztof (1970- ), narracja, czas, historia, szacunek, narration, time, history, reverence}, }