@misc{Siama_Alfred_Echa, author={Siama, Alfred}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The article concerns the attitude of the outstanding writer of the Polish Enlightenment, Ignacy Krasicki, to the epic pre-bildungsroman genre, which is romance. The research attention in the article was focused on the opinions about romances expressed in several literary works of the prince bishop.}, abstract={Ignacy Krasicki, like other representatives of the literary elite of that time, treated romance as an anachronistic genre, devoid of artistic value and good taste. That is why the opinions about romances expressed in his works are critical and ironic. On the other hand, the writer was able to use the romance convention in an original way, which is particularly evident in the novel "Mikołaja Doświadczyńskiego przypadki" ["The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom"]. This entitles us to conclude that the romances not only irritated Krasicki, but in a sense also inspired him.}, title={Echa romansu tradycyjnego w twórczości literackiej Ignacego Krasickiego = Echoes of traditional romance in the literary output by Ignacy Krasicki}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Krasicki, Ignacy (1735-1801), romans tradycyjny, oświecenie, krytyka, traditional romance, Enlightenment, criticism}, }