@misc{Juckiewicz_Piotr_Starotestamentalna, author={Juckiewicz, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={In the article, the author discusses the Old Testament figures of the symbol of the cross, thus presenting the range of meanings and the depth of this sign. On the basis of the results of research carried out using the heuristic method, the analysis and the synthetic-critical ones, it presents the process of shaping the understanding of the sign of the cross in mentality of believers in the early ages of Christianity.}, abstract={This symbol, despite the negative connotations connected with a tool of suffering and death of not only Jesus but also potential following Christians, became the principal symbol of their faith. This was undoubtedly influenced by the places of Salvation History described in the Old Testament and its interpretations suggested by the Church Fathers, as this piecework further describes. These early announcements of the cross sign have had a significant impact on the positive perception of this figure.}, title={Starotestamentalna typologia krzyża Jezusa Chrystusa = The Old Testament typology of the cross of Jesus Christ}, type={artykuł}, keywords={krzyż, figury, symbol, przygotowanie staurologiczne, cross, figures, staurological preparation}, }