@misc{Famuła-Jurczak_Anita_Rozwijanie, author={Famuła-Jurczak, Anita}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The natural form of activity of the unit is taken by her activity. The unit recognizes the reality that surrounds her through all forms of activities that allow you not only to the knowledge of the world but also to Express themselves and build self-image.}, abstract={All forms of artistic activity units are transformed into creative activity. Creative attitude conducive to the development of the human personality. Moreover, they are formed in the qualities that are needed to function in the modern world.}, abstract={The purpose of the text is to show the importance of having a parent - teacher in order to shape a creative attitude in the child.}, title={Rozwijanie osobowości dziecka w ramach aktywności twórczej = Personality development of the child in the creative activity}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={aktywność, aktywność artystyczna, aktywność twórcza, osobowość, wychowawca, wychowanie, activity, artistic activity, personality, education, educator}, }